Alliance leader Romero "Jacare" Cavalcanti gave us this exclusive
insight on what's up with the top competition BJJ team in the World
today: "I have been very busy, travelling and conducting seminars
and training hard with the team here in Atlanta in preparation for
the Worlds. Our camp begins on May 23 with our affiliates, so
many of them are coming to prepare with us. The team is in great
form and I'll take at least 20 all medal contenders, they all have a
great chance as we don't want to make life easy for anyone!
We've just won the Brazilian Nationals with 110 points, the second
place Check Mat had 52 and 3rd place Nova Uniao had 45. We
scored more than twice the runner up points. I am very happy
for everyone in our team. In Biella, Italy Bernardo Faria won
everything and was the big nae of the event. Now the only thing
missing to complete our Grand Slam is the Worlds. This is our
biggest challenge and no other team has ever achieved it."
The Alliance Camp info:

Please go to
to reserve your spot.
In an effort to make the camp affordable for everyone, I
have booked 10 Double Queen rooms at the Comfort Inn
suites for $55 a night.
The address is:
5793 Roswell Rd,
ATL, GA 30328
Now go train Jiu-Jitsu,ATL, GA 30328
Kid Peligro