Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday Lunch Class
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday Lunch Class
Monday, July 26, 2010
Historic Pictures

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Saturday's Class
Jacare - Single Leg
Jacare - Single Leg (variation)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Jacare in and upcoming events
After a very busy year in which his Alliance Team won the bulk of the major tournaments, Romero "Jacare" Cavalcanti took a few weeks of to rest and recharge in Rio. During his stay Romero swam 2 miles a day in Ipanema Beach, watched his good friend Sydney "Baiano" teach surf lessons to daughter Ursula, visited Academy Nobre Arte and Professor Claudio Coelho, the surf and Jiu-Jitsu Project from Professor Gilson and stopped by Alexandre "Gigi"'s Academy for a class in which Fernando "Terere" was present.
"Jacare is back in Atlanta and ready for more challenges!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Jacare Featured

Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Wednesday Night Class
Ian vs Jeff
Adam vs Rush
Chris vs Crazy Horse
Bart vs Alec
Jacare’s Trip to Brazil
Jacare’s Trip to Brazil
By Romero Jacare Cavalcanti and Bart Stevens
Recently Professor Jacare took a vacation to his homeland of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. After more than 2 years without going home this was a special trip for him. Jacare arrived with his family on the 17th of June. It was a special day to get there as the entire nation of Brazil was focused on the World Cup. The streets of Rio where alive with decorations, people, and the hopes of the entire country. The weather was perfect, 85 degrees and sunny in the daytime 65 and clear at night. Ipanema beach was beautiful, tranquil, and hospitable. One of the highlights of Brazil is the outstanding food. The flavor of the fruit, seafood, and vegetables is consistently delicious. While in Rio Jacare was able to visit his family. This was a joyous occasion, spending time with both his sister and his brother. With the family set and the location perfect Jacare was ready for outstanding vacation.
While in Rio De Janerio Jacare went for a swim, a run, and a workout on the beach daily. In the meantime Ursula, Jacare’s daughter, was learning to surf. Ursula was lucky enough to be instructed in surfing by Jacare’s old friend Sidney; a black belt from Gracie Humaita.
During the trip Professor took the time to visit his first blackbelt, Fabio Gurgel, in the city of Sao Paulo. While at Fabio’s academy Jacare was kind enough to teach a special class. Professor was pleased with the intense training in Sao Paulo, this training showed him exactly why Alliance is the top team in the entire world. The mats of Sao Paulo held dozens of world and panam champions. In addition to the students of Sao Paulo Fabio trains hard every day; setting the example for all of his students.
After traveling to Sao Paulo Jacare returned to Rio De Janerio. Immediately he went to visit his old friend Claudio Coelho. Mr. Coelho runs Nobre Arte, a famous boxing gym in the Cantagalo favela. Nobre Arte shares space with Ricardo Viera’s jiujitsu project. At the Jiujitsu project Jacare’s old student Gilson was running a spirited class. This class was full of promising young students. These young martial artists have already won numerous medals despite having hard lives. In the same favela is the Cantagalo Surfing Project. This program teaches underprivileged children how to surf and is sponsored by a local television station. The jiujitsu, boxing, and surfing programs are working hard to improve the lives of these disadvantaged young people.
After leaving Cantagalo Professor went to Alliance Leblon the school of Alexandre Paiva. In Leblon Jacare gave a speech focusing on all he has learned in his 47 years of training jiujitsu. Professor was excited to see his old friends and make some new ones. Jacare was also happy to see Terere back on the mats.
The trip to Brazil was eventful and a great success. Jacare was happy to spend time with his friends, family, and homeland. Brazil is a beautiful country and Jiujitsu is an amazing art. Jacare is proud to be a product of both of these influences.
News from Greenville
Monday, July 12, 2010
Pics from Brazil
Monday Lunch Class
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Tarsis in FL

Alliance had already set down roots in Florida, with the academies of Felipe Zicro in Tallahassee and Henrique “Piui” Rezende in Pembroke Pines.
Now, the team reaches Miami with a world champion at the helm. Tarsis Humphreys made the move from São Paulo and begins work that will, as he himself guarantees, will go a long way.
“I’m living here in Miami and getting started at work. I only have 20 students in two academies, as I’m only just beginning to advertise my new home at this instant, on,” he says in amusement.
“Everything is still just crawling, but I feel it will all work out. I chose to come here and I like it a lot. I’m already starting to feel at home, since it’s really hot and the people here are cool too. Plus there’s the advantage of having a beach, which I didn’t have in São Paulo!” he says.
“The only problem is that I miss my family, friends and the training partners I had in São Paulo. But I should go train there when the championships near, or I’ll go to Atlanta with Jacaré and Cobrinha, or New York with Lucas Lepri, or even to California with Franjinha, a bit further away. If I get organized, there’ll be no lack of tough training. There’s no way you can train lone-wolf style and win everything. I think only Roger Gracie can get away with that. But I can try too! (laughs).”
Tarsis makes the most of the opportunity to plug the addresses of his academies, and his new logo. “It’s an oak tree, my last name in the middle. That’s basically it: I’ve come to lay roots, balanced and unyielding,” he says in closing.
Alliance Miami:
Cranck Cross Fit,
12324 SW 127 Ave
Miami, FL – 33186
2801 SW 31st Ave ,
Miami, FL – 33133
Thursday, July 8, 2010
News from across the pond

Hi Jacare,
On Sunday we competed in the Hereford III brazilian jiu jitsu championships.
I was very pleased with all our guys as it was their first competition.
Blue 88.3kg Gold - Roy Wilkins Alliance UK
Purple 70kg Bronze - Steven Burton Alliance UK
Purple 88.3kg Gold - Lee Bown Alliance UK
Hope you are all well over there.
Take care Lee B
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Class Closed due to Technical Difficulties
Thank you for your understanding
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Alliance compeditors bigger than "The Next Big Gracie"?
Here are a few extracts from:
"The Next Big Gracie"by Deb Blyth — July 5, 2010.

Gracie had heard about Schultz and was looking forward to having an opportunity to fight him. His wish was granted. As the two faced off in the divisional final, it was apparent that this was not only going to be a battle of skill and expertise, but one of will as well.
The match began with Gracie pulling guard. He was able to sweep Schultz and go to mount. Schultz escaped, but Gracie took his back and got a choke on him. What came next was completely unexpected. “I don’t know how it happened,” Gracie said, “But I lost the grip on his collar. He turned and came into my guard again.”
Dismayed, Gracie said, “I was six points ahead. I had the fight in my hands. I guess I slowed my speed down. He tried to pass, so I turned, but I left my arm out and he got it.” Schultz locked in the arm bar and submitted a surprised and very disappointed Gracie with a little over a minute left in the match. As he walked off the mats with his head down, the only words heard were, “I can’t believe it.”
Ronis didn’t have too much time to ponder the situation before he had to get ready for the absolute. He needed to pull it together and get his head back in the game. His first two matches went as planned, winning one by submission and one by points. In his third match he faced Alec Baulding of Alliance. Gracie knew he was a tough competitor and that he had to play a flawless game.
At the start of the match, Gracie pulled guard, just like he did with Schultz. This time, though, he says he made the mistake of letting Baulding put him in a bad position. Gracie says he couldn’t move much and time was passing. “I had to do something,” he said, “And right then he passed my guard. When he tried to mount, I recovered.” Gracie swept Baulding, but he was still losing on points. He only had 40 seconds left in the match and tried to set up a choke, but the match ended, giving Gracie a bronze medal for his efforts.
Gracie said that Baulding had a very good top game. “He didn’t make any mistakes,” Gracie said, “And I let him have positions I shouldn’t have. I would like to fight him again.” Gracie says he’s going to keep training hard all year, so next year he doesn’t make any mistakes.
From the Archives
Monday, July 5, 2010
Monday Night Class - Welcome Back Jacare
Jacare - Butterfly Sweep
Friday, July 2, 2010
Jacare in Brazil

Some news from
by Carlos Eduardo Ozório — July 2, 2010.
The year couldn’t be better for Master Romero Jacaré. The leader of Alliance and producer of countless black belts saw his team win the Jiu-Jitsu World Championship and was even promoted to red-and-black belt by the IBJJF.
The master left Atlanta, Georgia, for a brief visit to his Alliance branches in Brazil. This Wednesday Jacaré was at Alliance Leblon, in Rio de Janeiro, where he made a speech and was applauded by the students of Alexandre Paiva.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Thursday Night Class
Cobrinha vs Bart
Jordan vs Bo
Alec vs. Damion