Romero "Jacare" Cavalcanti Interview
Romero "Jacare" Cavalcanti needs no introduction, one of the few Rolls Gracie Black belts, Romero founded and leads of one of the winning-est team in history of BJJ Alliance team. But his journey to success was not easy, after taking the World's team titles twice, Romero face health issues and team splits that would leave most humans defeated and dejected. But the man they call "Jacare" doesn't know those words, he, with the help of his students and team members re-built Alliance into the most dominant team in BJJ in hte last 3 years. Let's hear from alliance leader Romero "Jacare" Cavalcanti
KP- Your are one of the few Rolls Gracie's Black Belts, what did you admire most about him?
RJ- Above all, Rolls was a fantastic human being. As an instructor he was an innovator, that in his short life was able to caused a tremendous impact in Jiu-Jitsu. His influence lived beyond his lifetime. He was so courageous and determined I am very grateful for everything I learned from him not only in Jiu-Jitsu but also on how to become a better human being.
KP- What did you learn from him that was mos t important to you?
RJ- Of course a lot of of Jiu-Jitsu, but he also taught me how to enjoy teaching and discovering what I wanted to do with life. To have perseverance to always fight to win and conquer all my goals. To never give up and to pursue my dreams so they came true.
KP- How was losing your master?
RJ- It was one of the saddest days of my life. He was very young when left us. I was depressed and without a sense of direction for quite some time. But the Lord knows what it does and perhaps Rolls was too good for this World that is so cruel and inhumane. He was an angel that came to this Earth to do good, may God have him in a good place.
KP- What made you overcome this depression?
RJ- Nothing, for quite sometime, I wasn't even training. I did a triathlon Ironman in Hawaii, running, swimming and biking for long hours so I could get my mind away from the loss. But little by little I started to regain my strength and one day I started going Rickson's Academy to train. Soon after that I opened my own Academy Jacare Jiu Jitsu in Ipanema, that then became Master with Fabio Gurgel and eventually Alliance. The rest is history as you all know it

KP- Your Team Alliance has dominated the BJJ Circuit for the last 3 years. Last year it was almost perfect only losing the Brazilian titles by 1 point. What is the reason for this success?
RJ- Primarily a lot of work by all members of the team. I don't do anything alone, I have Fabio and Gigi and many others that believed in our project and stayed with us to help achieve this success. We threw away the bad apples from the pack so they wouldn't spoil the rest, and just like a Phoenix, we were reborn from our ashes. The Eagle is once again flying high, and that was our answer to everyone
KP- You have graduated dozens of Black Belts, in your view which ones stand out as athletes?
RJ- Over the years there were many and there are still many to come. I have so many World Champions, National and Pan champions that it would be unfair for me to name just a few. I don't want to forget some names and have them mad at me, you know age creeps up and the mind begins to fail Hahahahaha.
KP- And as instructor?
RJ- The same answer, there were so many, but without a doubt the most important one are the ones I graduated to succeed in life as well. The ones that got ahead and became better human beings, unfortunately some already came with defects and I couldn't help them, so they are roaming aimlessly around the World but luckily there were few of those .
KP- A few years back your tema split up, there were two teams created from that split Checkmat & Brasa, what caused that?
RJ- THe split was caused by a few younger athletes that wanted to compete in an event that paid money, but this was in direct conflict with some of our objectives and the older team leaders that were in charge of the team in Brazil. i was away in the US and I listened to their arguments and tried to mediate but I remained where I've always been . I can tell that with time I made the right decision, Checkmat was created by Leo and Ricardinho, they work hrd and have correct ideals. The other team no one hears about any more, and they were always fighting amongst themselves more than they trained .
KP- and how did that affect you personally?
RJ- Nothing changed for me. I was saddened but I've always believed in my potential as an instructor. I founded my first team by myself, Jacare Jiu Jitsu, and even with a small group of students the team was able to come in ahead of many of the bigger teams at the time. So I knew that it was just a matter of time, of course those were difficult moments but I am determined and I owe that to my family northern roots and to Rolls with whom I learned never to give up.
KP- and how did you overcome that and got the team strong again?
RJ- With the help of Fabio and Gigi primarily, those two continued believing and working and little by little we were able to grow the team into what it is today. Today I can assure you that we have a solid team, well organized, with many talents and we are still working very hard to continue this success. We have affiliates all over the World all united and humble, we all share the same ideals and we all know that the star that shines the brightest is our team star.
KP- What is the secret of Alliance's success?
RJ- Unity, hard work, sincerity, honesty, science and love that we apply to study the art and the dedication of all our instructors and athletes to always better themselves.
KP- What do you believe is most important for an instructor to teach a student?
RJ- The highest morals values of us human beings, sincerity, the fight for our ideals, because without work and dedication we cannot achieve anything in life or in fighting. and what Rickson calls the Invisible Jiu-Jitsu, this is the true Jiu-Jitsu that teaches us how to succeed in life.
KP- Did I miss anything you want to discuss?
RJ- I think I've said enough to write a book hhahahaha!! But to finalise this my dear friend. It is always a pleasure to speak with such an intelligent person as yourself, one that has the true feeling for our art and that helps us spread the word of our work and our efforts, I am an Apostle of Jiu-Jitsu and I wish the Lord give me strength to continue my mission of teaching and spreading our message of peace. I thank my father and my mother for the values they instilled in me, and my wife and daughter for always being by my side
Now go train Jiu-Jitsu,